You’ve finally done it. You have convinced your spouse that it is time to remodel your
kitchen. You have been watching HGTV non-stop so you have some design ideas in mind, but, beyond that, where do you start? How do you know what is even feasible for your space and budget? How do you find a reputable remodeler that can assist with design as well as contracting? If these questions are swirling in your brain, you probably are becoming very overwhelmed. Don’t let the fear of a remodel of this magnitude slow you down and potentially stall your project.
Booher Remodeling Company recommends that you start with these 3 simple steps to get your remodel project moving.

1. Decide on the Scope of the Project
To decide on the scope, make a list of everything in the kitchen that you want to change. You should also include new elements that you would like to incorporate. This will help you determine if you are doing a kitchen update, replacement, or full remodel. An update usually can be done on a more modest budget, and includes changing appliances, countertops, hardware, painting, or adding a backsplash. A replacement refers to replacing almost all of the materials in the kitchen, especially the cabinets. Under this scenario, you would retain the basic floor plan with only minor changes such as lighting updates. A full remodel involves changing the floor plan of the kitchen, as well as replacing almost all of the materials. Often, walls are removed and flooring is replaced.
2. Develop a Budget
You first need to decide how much you are willing to spend, and then you can prioritize the items that you want to tackle. A kitchen update is the most budget-friendly option, while a replacement increases costs, and a full remodel can be very expensive. You can make a list of each item you want to replace and find rough pricing at a local home improvement store to get an idea, but you will need a professional quote to be sure of what you will end up paying. A kitchen remodeler will be able to help you develop a realistic budget.
3. Choose a Remodeler
The best way to choose a remodeler is by word of mouth. Talk to your friends, read
reviews, and do as much research as you can. Once you decide to meet with one, be sure that they provide detailed drawings and specs of their plans. Don’t sign a contract with a vague budget and limited detail.
If you’re in the
Fishers, or
Carmel, IN, area, Booher Remodeling Company is a great place to start. We have been providing excellent craftsmanship and customer service since 1993, and we can help with your kitchen or
bathroom remodel and
design needs.
Contact us today at
(317) 852-5546 to learn more or to make an appointment.