Have you been considering remodeling your kitchen this summer but aren’t sure if it’s the right time? You may be feeling like you’re too busy or it’s too hot to do much of anything this summer but, at Booher Remodeling Company, we believe that summer is actually the perfect time for a kitchen remodel and here is why.

Why Summer Is the Best Time for a Kitchen Remodel

Grilling Season

Often, the biggest hurdle to get over when doing a full kitchen remodel is how you’re going to prepare meals for your family. If you no longer have access to your stovetop, how will you make dinner each night? However, in the summer, you can take full advantage of grilling season and not miss your stove one bit! Take the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with your family and try out some fun new grilling recipes while your kitchen is out of order.

You’re Busy

Often, we think of busyness as a reason not to complete a remodel; however, it can actually work in your favor. While you’re busy taking the kids to various summer camps and sports activities, we’ll be working away in your kitchen! You’ll be out of the house all day, so you won’t have to deal with construction noise or dust and you get to come home each evening to see all the progress that has been made in your absence. You will probably feel like the entire remodeling process went by quickly because you were too busy to notice us!

Extra Ventilation

Finally, one of our favorite reasons to remodel in the summertime is the extra ventilation that is available. Construction can be messy and dusty, and all that dust needs a place to go. In the winter, we can’t leave the windows and doors open to air out the construction zone; however, in summer, your contractors and installers won’t have to breathe in all that dust because it can go out the window!

Don’t wait to make your summer remodeling plans with Booher Remodeling Company. We’ve been delivering quality remodeling services to residents of Indianapolis, IN, and the surrounding areas since 1993. Contact us at (317) 852-5546 or schedule a virtual home design consultation today!