Are you ready to turn your blah bathroom into a customized retreat? We have some ideas on how you can turn a regular bathroom into your very own at-home spa. You may be able to incorporate some of these ideas on your own. If they are beyond your DIY bathroom remodeling prowess, call us at
Booher Remodeling to set up a no-obligation consultation.
New Towels
No matter how big or little your bathroom remodel is going to be, don’t save money by keeping around old, worn-out towels. Retire the beige towels you’ve had for years, and treat yourself to some oversized, plush towels that will complement the look of your new space. This change alone can bring new life to a worn bathroom.
To keep your space relaxing, avoid going overboard on accent décor. However, a few well-chosen candles or pieces of artwork can certainly enhance the feel of your customized bathroom remodel. Depending on the size of your bathroom, consider bringing in a small chair and some pillows to add to the relaxing feel of the room.
Letting natural light into a dreary space can turn your bathroom into a sanctuary. Consider installing bigger windows or window coverings that allow you to maintain privacy while letting in light. Also, installing light fixtures that put out more natural light can also do the trick if windows aren’t an option.
Walk-In Shower
Many people remodeling a master bath choose to incorporate a walk-in shower. You can find countless
photos online of glass, tile, marble, or even granite showers. If you include a walk-in shower, be sure to also select quality shower fixtures to complete your high-end design.
Heated Floors
If you’re really looking to splurge, consider installing heated floors. During those harsh Indiana winters, your feet will thank you. Unless installing heated bathroom floors is your trade, we recommend leaving this project to
a professional bathroom remodeler.
For any
Indianapolis-area bathroom remodeling or design assistance you need, give us a call at Booher Remodeling at
317-852-5546, or fill out our
online contact form.